X-Ray Powder Diffactometer (XRPD)

- Standard X-ray powder diffraction:
- Qualitative and quantitative phase analysis
- Several measurement setups available:
- Reflection, Transmission, Debye-Scherrer (capillary)
- Bragg-Brentano and Parallel Beam geometry
- Structure analysis and solution
- Monochromatic Cu- or Mo-K alpha1 radiation (Johansson monochromators) available for structure refinement and solution
- Non-ambient measurement conditions:
- High temperature measurements up to 1200°C
- Measurements with defined relative humidity
- Analysis of challenging samples:
- Combination of zero-background sample holders, air-tight sample preparation techniques, freely movable xyz-sample stage, focusing Goebel mirror and 2D-detector allows analysis of samples that are
- air sensitive
- weakly scattering
- not easy to prepare with standard sample preparation tools
- only available in very small amounts
- Combination of zero-background sample holders, air-tight sample preparation techniques, freely movable xyz-sample stage, focusing Goebel mirror and 2D-detector allows analysis of samples that are
- X-ray sources:
- Cu ceramic tube, output 2.2 kW
- Mo ceramic tube, output 3.0 kW
- Primary side:
- Johansson monochromators for monochromatic Cu- or Mo-K alpha1 radiation
- Focusing Goebel mirror
- Variable divergence slit or several fixed divergence slits
- Micro slits and point collimators
- Goniometer:
- Usable 2 theta angle range (approx.) -100° to 330°
- Smallest stepsize: 0.0001°
- Sample Stages:
- Rotation stage (standard) for transmission and reflection geometry
- Capillary stage for Debye-Scherrer geometry
- Motorized xyz-stage
- x, y, z: 0 – 24 mm
- usable with all specimen holders for reflection geometry
- specially designed flow-through cell (partially still in development)
- mri TC-H humidity chamber
- Tunable relative humidity: 0 – 95%
- Temperature rt – 90°C (with controlled humidity) or up to 300°C (dry N2 stream)
- Anton Paar HTK 1200 high temperature chamber:
- for temperatures up to 1200°C
- reflection or Debye-Scherrer (capillary) geometry
- Secondary side:
- Motorized slit as scattering beam aperture
- Mount for various slits and filters
- Detectors:
- LynxEye 0D/1D detector (usable as 0D point detector or 1D detector with 192 channels)
- Våntec 500 2D detector