News and Events

WueMue: Less waste - is that possible?

The WueMue transformation project is funded by the WueLab. The aim of this transformation experiment is to make a contribution to the long-term and sustainable reduction of greenhouse gases through the resource-saving handling of waste. The focus here is on analysing and developing various solutions. The WueMue transformation project will run for one year.

Do you have an idea for avoiding waste or conserving resources? Get involved with us!

More information on WueMue-Project.


Award ceremony of the Campus Sustainability Challenge

As part of its participation in the REKLINEU joint project at the end of last year, the Lehrstuhl für Europäische Enthnologie/ Empirische Kutlurwissenschaft called for an ideas competition, the Campus Sustainability Challenge.

Now the time has come and the winners will be announced on May 8. Our university creates knowledge for society. At the same time, it wants to initiate positive developments. This includes a culture of sustainability.

What does this mean with regard to our Hubland University Campus? What makes a space that offers a lot for a lot of people? What is a sustainable campus?

All these questions can now be addressed and, in the best case, answered in the form of transformation experiments.

We are looking forward to it and are excited!

Find more Information on Campus-Nachhaltigkeits-Challenge. (german) 

The new SEMINAR at WueLAB - Start on April 18!

Sustainability for all?

On social privileges, climate catastrophe(s) & biodiversity loss and opportunities to shape the future.

Sustainability issues affect diverse contexts and all areas of life. They range from consumer decisions and daily transportation to the design of the home and the choice of where to live. Sustainability is an issue for everyone.


Find out more here. (german)

Or register directly on WueStudy.