Deutsch Intern
IFEX - Interdisciplinary Research Center for Extraterrestrial Studies


Recent media article on UAP


UAP as New Research Subject, JMU Würzbug, 08 February 2022

  • Mars Base 2030 (78MB!)
    Within summer term 2017 project a group of eight students investigated the potential of a manned Martian base, scheduled to the year 2030.

  • Moon Base 2030
    Within this term project a group of twelve students investigated the potential of a manned lunar base, scheduled to the year 2030 of human return.

  • Transient Lunar Phenomena (TLP) Observation
    In 2014 an engineering internship dealing with the observation of Transient Lunar Phenomena has been accomplished by master student Helge Mohn. It deals with the development of an automatic TLP observation station. TLP can be visible with the naked eye, have been reported since centuries, but are still not entirely understood for the time being.