Deutsch Intern
Research Academy

Self- and Career Competence

Whether you are working in academia or in industry, many of the skills that fall into this area of our skill model are important prerequisites for completing your work responsibilities successfully and efficiently. We are not talking about discipline-specific knowledge here or about the ability to apply new research methods. Rather, personal and career skills are about organising your daily work, working methodically, making reasonable and realistic plans for your next steps as well as using your own resources well and setting achievable goals for yourself within the framework of your own career development. The services provided by JMU therefore support you in

  • identifying your personal strengths and interests and finding your hidden potentials.
  • clarifying your professional goals and developing concrete steps for the planning of your career.
  • preparing for the application process within and outside academia.
  • dealing with professional challenges in a conscious, active and creative way.
  • managing your time effectively in your everyday work routine.
  • finding a good way to use your own resources.
  • exploring your understanding of roles in the workplace.

Dimensions of personal & career skills:


  • Analytical and conceptual thinking skills as well as self-motivation and self-reflection are important skills that enable you to deal with new challenges and tasks efficiently. We offer both consultations and workshops that give you the opportunity to reflect on your own behaviour.
  • A capacity for innovation is essential in research. If you want to develop an idea into a business, the SFT team will be happy to support you.
  • Resilience and endurance


  • Orientation towards problem-solving
  • Ability to prioritise
  • Time management
  • Changeability
  • Ability to make decisions
  • Work-life balance

These are all skills that you should have in order to organise your work effectively and efficiently. We are happy to help you identify the points that you want to work on further and offer consultations and workshops to support you.


  • Career planning, further development and training: Feel free to contact us at any time and we will discuss with you individually which measures are suitable for you or which of your skills can be further strengthened.
  • Recognising and seizing opportunities. We support you and equip you with methods that can help you in these situations.
  • Networking. In cooperation with the JMU Alumni Office, we offer various types of events as well as a mentoring programme to help you build up a professional network.
  • Reputation und visibility

Services provided by JMU to help you enhance your personal and career skills:

Services provided by the JMU Research Academy

  • Running over a specific period of time, coaching gives JMU researchers the opportunity to receive personal guidance and support with an issue relating to their career development.
  • Mentoring connects researchers at the University of Würzburg with experienced national and international researchers and leaders from the business community and society.
  • We offer specific training courses that give JMU researcher the opportunity to enhance their personal and career skills.

Additional contact points

  • CAREER CENTRE: Enrolled doctoral researchers can take advantage of the advisory services and courses offered by the Career Centre of the University of Würzburg.
  • University of Würzburg Graduate Schools (UWGS): The schools of the UWGS offer lectures and workshops for their members that equip them with generic skills in the field of self- and career management.
  • SCIENTIA: The programme supports the career development of female early-researchers at JMU.