Forum - Wandel mitgestalten 2021
Von 25. bis 29. Oktober fand dann das Forum - Wandel mitgestalten 2021 statt. Das Thema nachhaltiges leben, arbeiten und forschen gewinnt kontinuierlich an Bedeutung, es betrifft alle Menschen und Generationen. Eine entscheidende Rolle spielen dabei auch die Hochschulen als Ausbildungs- und Forschungsstätten, die vom Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung im hochschulspezifischen Nachhaltigkeitscodex als Wegbereiter für Veränderungsprozesse definiert werden. Die Brisanz dieses Themas wurde auch im interkontinentalen Austausch der 28 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer deutlich, die sich in den verschiedenen Fachgruppen zusammengefunden hatten. Aus ihrer ganz individuellen Berufsperspektive heraus berichteten diese über aktuelle Entwicklungen, sowie Frage- und Problemstellungen im Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit. So berichtete beispielsweise Alumna Dr. Yafa Shanneik von ihrem Kunstprojekt im Bezug auf geflüchtete Frauen. Dr. Bolance C. Simeon-Fayomi aus Nigeria berichtet aus der Pespektive einer Pädagogin im Bereich Erwachsenenbildung und Lebenslanges Lernen. Als Ergänzung für den Austausch innerhalb der Kerngruppe fanden auch diverse Impulse und Vorträge statt: Alumnus Simon Siechert beispielsweise, der im Deutschen Bundestag arbeitet, sprach über aktuelle Perspektiven und Forschungen zum Thema: Frieden und Demokratie. In einem anderen Impuls ging es wiederum um die"Global Civil Society Reflection Group on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", welche Jens Martens vom Global Policy Forum aus Bonn näherbrachte. Die Veranstaltung fand in englischer Sprache statt.
Being active, take over responsibility and exchange experience and knowledge with others in order to create a world where sustainable living, working and doing research plays an increasing role in everybodys life. 'Being sustainable, acting reasonable and ressourcfull', is becoming increasingly important globally, the topic affects all people and generations. Universities as institutions play a crucial role in this as training and research institutions, which the German Council for Sustainable Development for example defines in the university-specific Sustainability Code as pioneers for change processes. For these reasons, one decided to address the topic in this year's international Alumni DAAD project.
Through their participation in the further education program 'Creating Change - aspects of a sustainable life, work and research', you and a core group of international Alumni from Würzburg and other German universities are invited to add knowlege, participate on further training and develope ideas between October 25 and October 29, 2021.
Program - A warm invitation to participate!
Exchange can grow where people meet: Every day of the panel combines impulses on topic-related issues and the exchange of expertise between international professionals. A core group of 28 participants is cordially welcoming every interested person.
Zoom link for the whole programme
Meeting-ID: 943 2909 6099
Passwort: 505923
Time inidications are regarding middel european summer time
| Monday, October 25, 2021 |
12 p.m. | Official Welcome and Opening of the Forum, Prof. Dr. Anja Schlömerkemper, Vice president of the University of Würzburg, responsible for equal opportunity, career planning and sustainability Introduction of the speakers of the professional groups |
1 p.m. | Official Welcome of the City of Wuerzburg, Martin Heilig, Alumnus Mayor of the City of Würzburg - thoughts of a sustainable developement concept of the City of Wuerzburg Sustainability as essential point of the future for Universities, Prof. Dr. Barbara Sponholz, speaker of the network Hochschule und Nachhaltigkeit Bayern |
2 p.m. | Introduction of participants and short presentations about own research, general question: “What does sustainable living, working and researching mean to me?” |
3 p.m. | Introduction to the subject sustainable life, work and research - `Nikolaus von Kues´, Universal Mastermind and sustainable thinker, Alumnus Dr. Prasad Theruvatu, India (click for Portrait) |
4 p.m. | Exchange within the faculties |
| Tuesday, October 26, 2021 |
11:30 a.m. | Impulse 'current perspectives on research on peace and democracy', Alumnus Simon Sichert, Student worker at the Deutscher Bundestag |
12 p.m. | Sustainble work in franconian enterprises, |
1 p.m. | Insight Alumni Memoirs Dairy, Dr. Bolanle C. Simeon-Fayomi (click for Portrait), Department of Adult Education & Lifelong Learning, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria |
1.30 p.m. | Exchange within the group of participants: Effects of Covid-19 on you own daily work – learning from each other - breakout rooms |
2 p.m. | Women in Science, Venezuelan experience" How to deal with uncertainty and win the race, Prof. Dr. Alicia Ponte-Sucre (click for portrait), Universidad Central de Venezuela |
2:30 p.m. | Alumni-Workshop: mentoring, ambassador program, speaker of different countries, extension of the international book |
3 p.m. | Project in the faculty: Publication opportunities for doctoral candidates, Prof. Dr. Chibuze Udeani (German CV) |
3:30 p.m. | Challenges in professional career for women, |
4 p.m. | Exchange and bonding within faculties |
| Wednesday, October 27, 2021 |
12 - 4 p.m. | 'Which effects can be created by change and my possible role in a sustainable world' Professional workshop with external trainer Fabian Lange, DB Netz Fabian Lange, Head of Change DB Netz AG, studied social sciences and psychology. Main field of interest: how to develop a system from here to there. At DB Netz AG, Germanys railway infrastructure, he is responsible for Change Management and the transformation of the company with more than 50.000 employees. |
6 p.m. | Official welcome of the Vice president of the University of Würzburg responsible for Internationalization and Alumni, Prof Dr. Doris Fischer, Chair 'China and Business' |
followed by | Please note: The digital impulse will be in German language Die Einleitung in den digitalen Einblick übernimmt Professorin Doris Fischer. Sie ist Vizepräsidentin der Universität Würzburg und zuständig für den Bereich Internationalisierung und Alumni. Gleichzeitig hat sie den Lehrstuhl China Business and Economics inne und ist gefragte Expertin. In ihrer Einleitung wird sie sich auf auf wirtschaftliche Aspekte im Zusammenhang mit China beziehen. Er ist Leiter der Leiter der Forschungsgruppe Gesamtwirtschaftliche Analysen und Konjunktur, Forschungsschwerpunkte: Konjunktur, Strukturwandel, Langristige wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, Volkswirtschafttliche Gesamtrechnungen/Wohlstandsanalyse |
| Thursday, October 28, 2021 |
11.30 a.m. | Impuls speech and exchange ‚Global Civil Society Reflection Group on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development‘, Spotlight on Sustainable Development Goals 2021, Jens Martens of Global Policy Forum, Bonn |
1 p.m. | Sustainability@WACKER: How does a chemical company manage the subject sustainability? |
2 p.m. | Acitivities of the Africa Centre of the University of Wuerzburg - interdisciplinary approach and experience, Dr. Julien Bobineau (German portrait), Speaker of the Africa Centre |
3 p.m. | So shall VR: shape change in Higher Education, Thomas Schröter, Chair of School Pedagogy (German info) Virtual Reality (VR) has several affordances which renders it a unique medium to (re)shape higher education. In this presentation, we will have a closer look at the most important of them and how they are exploited in so-called Social VR applications, with their rich possibilities for communication and collaboration. Afterwards, we will discuss implications for teaching, learning, and of course, sustainability. |
4 p.m. | Professional exchange in the four groups |
| Friday, October 29, 2021 |
12 p.m. | Input and introduction to the art project ”Women who fled”, Alumna Dr. Yafa Shanneik, University of Birmingham (click for portrait) Dr. Yafa Shanneiks research focuses on the dynamics and trajectories of gender in Islam within the context of contemporary diasporic and transnational Muslim women’s spaces. She works on Muslim women communities in Europe and their transnational links to the Middle East. |
1 p.m. | Moderated Input (after some preparation): What do I want to change? How can I create change? Training impulse on the topic of `Who am I?´ Krischan Brandl works for the JMU Research Academy |
2 p.m. | Finish and evaluation: Presentations of the results of the week of each group |
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