Personalentwicklung an der JMU

Navigating Conflicts in International Contexts: The Power of Communication

Datum: 07.04.2025, 09:00 - 13.05.2025, 12:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Wissenschaftsstützendes Personal, Konfliktmanagement, Gesundheit, R1, R2, R3
Ort: John-Skilton-Straße 4, 00.B.10 Seminarraum 4
Instructor: Ms. Wendy Van den Bulck

Day 1: Monday 07 April 2025: 09:00 am – 16:00 pm
Day 2: Tuesday, 08 April 2025: 09:00 am – 12:00 pm
Follow-up: Thursday, 22 May 2025: 09:00 am - 12: 00 pm


In international contexts, English is almost automatically used as a common language - after all, it is a language "everyone understands". But is it really?

Does everyone understand the same behind the words that are used? Is sufficient attention paid to the personal and cultural differences behind the use of a language that is not one's mother tongue? How do you convey important underlying nuances through a language in which you are mostly competent in basic vocabulary?

These are relevant questions within academic contexts. Not only for international collaborators coming to work in a foreign country, but also for native speakers working with international collaborators. The conflict potential of linguistic misunderstandings is often underestimated.

The workshop gives participants tools to be used in their own work context:

  • The impact of communication styles and how to tune to different styles
  • Examples of how to deal better with cultural differences
  • How to be well-prepared, also in everyday conversations
  • Different aspects of non-verbal communication: non-verbal communication goes much fur-ther than the physical body (impact of mindset, attention, breathing, …)
  • Practicing with situations, e.g.:
    • How to give and receive clear messages
    • Participants get a card with tips they can use to create exploration time (STOP-moments)
    • Giving and receiving a well-grounded ‘No’ (and ‘Yes’)

Please note: The workshop will be held in English


John-Skilton-Straße 4, 00.B.10 Conference room 4 , ground floor

Target group: University staff
Number of participants: max. 12
Registration:   Until 28 March 2025 by e-mail to

Dr. Ljubica Lozo,, Tel. 31-85855
Katja Beck-Dossler,, Tel. 31-82021
