Research Training Group 2660: Approach-Avoidance

Insights into the RTG 2660: The Jour Fixes and Dinner Meetings


In this article we would like to introduce you to a part of the programme of the Research Training Group. 

The Jour Fixe is a weekly meeting where the PhD researchers have the opportunity to present, practice, and discuss their current research. 
They receive feedback from the participants, among whom there are always some PIs, and can exchange ideas about their research.

Special highlights are the monthly Dinner Meetings, where the PhD researchers do not present their research, but an exciting guest talk, also by external and international speakers, is given, followed by a group dinner in one of Würzburg's many restaurants or beer gardens.
Yesterday, the last Jour Fixe of the year took place in a kind of special version.
The aim was to exchange ideas about coding and version control (especially "Git").
Each PhD researcher reported on tools, programs, and programming languages they are currently using (e.g., Python, R, Pavlovia, PsychoPy, jamovi, Matlab, SoSci Survey, and so on). They presented their "lessons learned" and their (current) struggles. 

A week before, we had already enjoyed the Christmas season with delicious pastries, "Kinderpunsch" and board games. 
The RTG wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and relaxing holidays! 


Click here to see the full three-year program of the RTG.