Research Training Group 2660: Approach-Avoidance

Election of the Executive Board Members


Last week, the PhD Researchers and Principal Investigators assembled to elect the Executive Board (EB).

The PhD Student Assembly

The PhD Researcher Assembly and the Principal Investigator (PI) Assembly take place twice a year.
In both assemblies, 1 speaker and 2 representatives are elected for one year, who together form the Executive Board (EB).

The EB meets once a month and serves the exchange between PhD researchers and PIs.

The new EB members are Matthias Gamer, Grit Hein and Philipp Tovote (PIs) and on the part of the PhD researchers Morgane Paternoster, Sabrina Gado and Jasper Bischofberger. Congratulations!

In addition to the election, teaching evaluation and planning for the coming semester were central topics of the assemblies. There was also plenty of room for exchange and discussion.

Structure and Election of the EB