Deutsch Intern
  • Stadien der Transformation von einer Raupe zu einem Schmetterling, hängend an einem Pflanzenstil


Imparting knowledge and competencies on the topic of sustainability as part of university teaching is one of the prerequisites for being able to shape the necessary socio-ecological change in a science-based and competent manner. In Bavaria, legislation therefore assigns education for sustainable development (ESD) as one of the tasks of universities. The Transformation Experiment „Teaching4Sustainability“  at the JMU's sustainability lab WueLAB will explore ways and means to implement sustainability issues and higher education for sustainable development in the teaching of all disciplines.

The project Teaching for Sustainability is explained in the summary as follows:

The implementation of the numerous goals and proposed measures in the field of sustainability in higher education, which were formulated in 2017 in the National Action Plan on Education for Sustainable Development and adopted in 2018 in the „Innovationsbündnis Hochschule 4.0“ (Innovation Alliance University 4.0), is overdue at the University of Würzburg. In the transformation experiment "Teaching4Sustainability", ways and means are to be explored with which expertise and specific competencies from the field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) can be brought into university teaching in all disciplines. The starting point for this is the regular exchange of representatives of all status groups in networking meetings, working groups and workshops, in which the scientific foundations of sustainable action and management as well as adequate forms of teaching are to be addressed, taking into account the guiding principles of ESD. The long-term goal of the transformation experiment is to ensure that teaching knowledge and skills in the field of sustainability are integrated into the general study structure of as many degree programs as possible. Starting in the winter semester 2022/23, a duration of 5 years is planned.

For detailed Information about T4S, click here