Deutsch Intern
Research Training Group 2660: Approach-Avoidance


This RTG focuses on approach and avoidance as the main opposing behavioural tendencies that can be ubiquitously observed across species. The current translational research program including animal researchers, human researchers and clinical scientists permits a deeper understanding of approach and avoidance behaviour in health and disease. It rests on an excellent environment in Würzburg including the interdisciplinary Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS), the international MSc program Translational Neuroscience and RTG-affiliated researchers participating in several large-scale collaborative research programs. Moreover, access to unique and critical infrastructure is guaranteed including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners with field strengths up to 7T, virtual-reality laboratories, mouse behavioural facilities and state-of-the-art brain imaging/recording units.

Project details

RTG structure and overview of individual projects

Project Area A

Circuit switches for approach and avoidance

Project Area B

Control of approach-avoidance conflicts

Project Area C

Approach and avoidance in social contexts