Deutsch Intern
  • [Translate to Englisch:] Neue Universität, Lichthof
  • [Translate to Englisch:] Stadt Würzburg, Fluss, Burg, Freizeit
  • [Translate to Englisch:] Campus Nord, Brücke

Save the Date: Guest Lectures

Date: 05/28/2024, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

In the SCIAS guest lectures, the visiting professors and their hosts of the university introduce themselves and their research areas in the lecture hall of the Welz house to fellow guests, hosts and an interested audience of the university and the city in short 20-minute keynote lectures. Afterwards, all the participants have the opportunity to discuss and learn more about the respective projects and research areas to promote international and interdisciplinary exchange, dialogue and cooperation.

Further information on the lectures and the registration form will follow in April.
