JMU Research Academy

Oral Presentation - VIRTUAL WORKSHOP

Datum: 14.02.2022, 09:00 - 18.02.2022, 11:00 Uhr
Kategorie: R1, Wissenschaft, Workshop
Veranstalter: GSLS
Vortragende:r: Dr. Philipp Gramlich

There are many ways in which scientists communicate their work, publications, poster or oral presentations or via individual conversations. In terms of leaving a deep impression about your work and yourself, oral presentations are the most powerful way. However, many scientists are scared of the prospect to stand in front of a large and potentially critical audience to present their work. They rush through the presentations, clinging onto overloaded slides and miss a crucial chance to show themselves in a positive light.  

In this interactive workshop, we´ll cover the following topics: 

  • Preparation: target your audience
  • Stage fright: how you can enjoy the adrenaline rush
  • Body language: how you can make a good first impression
  • Personality types: can you score well as an introvert? How authentic can/shall you be?
  • Slide design
  • Pace, voice, interaction
  • Craft a round “story”
  • From start to finish. “Clamp” your presentation
  • Q&A sessions: and you just thought it´s over already... 
  • NEW! - Presenting online

This is a highly interactive workshop with the possibility for video feedback. The participants can get the chance to work on short pitch-presentations and/ or their own slide presentations about their own research. 

To attend, please register here.

Note: Registration of GSLS doctoral researchers has priority to non-GSLS participants. Non-GSLS participants pay a service and workshop fee of EUR 50 by bank transfer. 

