PD Dr. Nataliia Lazebna

PD Dr. Nataliia Lazebna
Education Manager CHARM-EU
Campus Hubland Nord
Josef-Martin-Weg 54/1
97074 Würzburg
Gebäude: 54
Raum: 01.101
Telefon: 0931/31-81203
E-Mail: nataliia.lazebna@uni-wuerzburg.de
Short Biography
- Since 01/07/2024: Education Manager CHARM EIGHT Project, ZBL, Universität Würzburg
- 05/2022-04/2024: Researcher at the Lehrstuhl für Englische Fachdidaktik (TEFL Chair), Universität Würzburg
- 06/2022-05/2023: Project Co-Coordinator of SCIENTIA International, Büro der Universitätsfrauenbeauftragten, Universität Würzburg
- 2007-2022: Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation, the National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic", Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
- 2021: Postdoc studies. Habilitation thesis defense at Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. Theme: Linguistic and semiotics of English language digital discourse. Degree obtained: Habilitated Doctor in Philological Sciences in the field of Germanic Languages.
- 2013: Postgraduate Studies (01/11/2010-01/11/2013), Zaporizhzhia National Technical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. PhD thesis defense (Donetsk National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, December 2021). Theme: Structural, semantic, and stylistic features of English-language imagery computer terminology. Field: Germanic languages. Degree obtained: Ph.D. in Philological Sciences in the field of Germanic Languages.
- 2007: Master's Degree in Philology (01/09/2006-30/06/2007), Zaporizhzhia National Technical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. Major in Philology and Translation (English, German, Ukrainian, Russian languages).
- 2006: Bachelor's Degree in Philology (01/09/2002-29/06/2006), Zaporizhzhia National Technical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. Major in Philology and Translation (English, German, Ukrainian, Russian languages).
Memberships in international educational associations
- Co-convener of the International Research Network (IRN) within WERA – World Education Research Association (San Diego, California, USA)
- British Educational Research Association (BERA), London, UK
- TESOL International Association, Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Vision Ukraine (interdisziplinäres wissenschaftliches Netzwerk: Bildung, Sprache, Migration), Germany
Interests and Competences
- Digital linguistics, data-driven learning, interdisciplinary linguistic studies
- Human-Machine (AI) communication (speech patterns, digital discourse analysis, Machine (AI) Code of Ethics)
- Global education through VR and immersive technologies
- UN sustainable development goals in a data-driven transnational learning environment
- Spatial data mapping as multimodal and transmedial learning environment
- Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) in a global context
Workshops and Courses
- AI in Need is a Friend Indeed: on Linguistic and Pedagogical Implications of Human-Machine Communication. The International conference organized by Donetsk National University (Vinnitsia, Ukraine), co-organized by JMU, supported by DAAD, on relevant issues of Germanic, Roman, Slavic Languages and Literatures Studies, and Pedagogy. 21-22.06.2024.
- Digital Humanities Metaframework of English Language Studies. Babes-Bolya University, ClujNapoca, Romania. 31.07.2023.
- Symbiosis of Natural and Artificial in English-language Studies. Workshop zu MSCA Doctoral Networks und Twinning: Advanced Materials and Processes, and Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability. Regensburg, Germany. 22.03.2023.
- On Global, social and cultural competencies of future EFL teachers: Germany-Ukraine universities cooperation. Cross-University Collaboration in Digital Humanities & Social Science (Dhss) and Digital Humanities & Cultural Heritage (Dhch) Education. University of Gothenburg, Sweden. 07.03.2023.
- Linguistic Semiotics of English-language Digital Discourse. Realm of perspectives. Linguistisches Kolloquim, Forum für MitarbeiterInnen der einzelnen sprachwissenschaftlichen Abteilungen der Universität Würzburg. 08.11.2022.
Creating Culturally Responsive Inclusive EFL Classroom Environment through Visual Arts. TESOL 2024 International Convention & Expo (Tampa, Florida, USA, 21.03 - 23.03.24)
Data-Driven EFL. German-Ukrainian Symposium “Bridging the Epistemic Gap between Linguistics, Literature, and Pedagogy”. JMU, Würzburg. 23.10-24.10.23.
Lazebna, Nataliia and Kumar, Dinesh (Eds.) (2022), Studies in Modern English. Würzburg: Würzburg University Press, 2022. 125 pp.
Lazebna N. English Language as Mediator of Human-Machine Communication : monograph. Mysore, India : PhDians along with Ambishpere ; Academic and Medical Publishers, Royal Book Publishing, 2021. 571 рp.
Lazebna N. Imagery of English Language Computer Text Space. Zaporizhzhia: ZNTU:2017. 206 pp.
Selected Publications
Lazebna, N. (2024). Spatial Data Mapping in Foreign Language Teaching as a Representation of Multimodal and Transmedial Learning Environments. Multimodality and Transmediality: Interdisciplinary Studies. The Second International Conference. Book of abstracts. (pp. 90-91). Kharkiv, Ukraine, April 19-20.
Lazebna, N. (2024). UN Sustainable Development Goals in a Data-driven Transnational Learning Environment of TEFL students. In Crosthwaite, P. (Ed). Corpora for Language Teaching, Routledge.
Lazebna, N. (preprint 2024). Inclusion as Solution: Integration Challenges of Ukrainian Refugee Students in the Educational System of Germany. Education Leadership in the Shadow of Wars. Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group; Peter Lang (in co-authorship with Dr. Lut and Dr. Dieser).
Lazebna, N. (2023). Grammar of German-language word combinations: reflections on structural-semantic modelling". (with Anatoliy Prykhodko). Collection of scientific papers “New Philology”, 90, pp. 82-88. ISSN 2414-1135.
Lazebna, N. (2022). Digital discourse in the realm of related phenomena. (with Prykhodko A.) Cognition, Communication, Discourse, Vol. 25. pp. 59-68.
Lazebna N. Digital discourse of English language acquisition. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. 2021. №17 (2). P. 971-982. (Co-authored with Prykhodko A.). Indexed by SCOPUS
Lazebna N. (2019). Scratch language of programming vs English language: comparing mathematical and linguistic features. Eureka physics and engineering. № 6. Р. 34–42. (Co-authored with Fedorova Y., Kuznetsova M.). Indexed by SCOPUS