Deutsch Intern
IFEX - Interdisciplinary Research Center for Extraterrestrial Studies

Mission Definition Assessment successfully passed


In the initial phase of the VaMEx3-MarsSymphony project, the team has made progress through the definition and detailed formulation of scenarios for Mars and test environments. Having successfully passed the Mission Definition Assessment, the team is now ready to further define the requirements for each element of the mission.

Artistic representation of Valles Marineris on Mars. (Image: Stablediffusion / J.Männel)

In the first few weeks of the project, intensive work was carried out on the individual elements of the VaMEx3-MarsSymphony mission. For each of the elements, scenarios were defined and developed for the Mars and test environment. These scenarios have now been subjected to a critical review in the Mission Definition Assessment, which the project team has successfully passed. This important milestone enables the team to define the requirements for the individual elements subsequently in more detail.
