Deutsch Intern
Global Systems and intercultural Competence

Adult Leisure Education

Date: 06/13/2019, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Category: Blockseminare, C
Location: Hubland Nord, Geb. 64, 00.212 (Bib-Sem.)
Organizer: Erwachsenenbildung/ Weiterbildung// Fachbereich: Pädagogik
Speaker: Dr. T. Maksic

Blockseminar in englischer Sprache.

Termine: 13.06. / 15.06. / 21.06. / 22.06., Zeiten s. Wuestudy


The course aims at developing sensitivity and potential for educational intervention in the field of leisure in order to improve the practice of adult education and learning.

During the course the following topics will be explored: the concept of leisure, leisure theory and practice, leisure studies from adult education perspective, andragogical dimensions of leisure, adult leisure education, leisure education goals and objectives, adult leisure education models and leisure education program planning.


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