Deutsch Intern
  • [Translate to Englisch:] Universität Würzburg, Sanderring
University of Würzburg

Required Grades

To be eligible for consideration for a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship, your grade (grade of higher education entrance qualification, weighted grade of course and examination achievements, or weighted grade of undergraduate/first degreee) must be 1.9 or better.

Which grade will we look at?

  • If you are in the first or second subject semester of your first degree programme: the grade of your higher education entrance qualification.
  • If you are in the first or second subject semester of your Master’s or second degree programme: the weighted grade of your undergraduate/first degree (weighUD).
  • If you are beyond the second subject semester of your programme: the weighted grade of your course and examination achievements (weighCEA) *).

*) Since the application deadline ends before the end of the assessment period of the summer semester, grades achieved in assessments taken in the summer semester in progress will not be taken into consideration.

Your average grade is calculated in the following manner:

In a first step, each of your grades (with one digit after the decimal point) is multiplied by the number of ECTS credits allocated to the module in which you were awarded the grade in question. The results of those multiplications are summed up and divided by the total number of ECTS credits you have earned in modules with numerical grading. The overall grade thus calculated is rounded off to one decimal place and used in the calculation of the weighted grade of your course and examination achievements (weighCEA, see formula above). The weighting factor for ungraded assessments is your overall average grade.

When this page refers to your subject semester, it is referring to the subject semester in which you were in the winter semester of the year in which you submit your application.

Click here to download an Excel template for the calculation of your grade (available in German only).

The method described above will be used in the calculation of the relevant grade for students enrolled in a programme that is structured into modules (Bachelor’s or Master’s).

We will officially determine your grade after the online application portal has been closed; you will not have to provide printouts from WueStudy as evidence of your grades.

The scholarship will be awarded based on the grade officially determined by us at that point.

Important information for medical students studying state examination programmes

If you have not received the results of your first state examination by 1 October of the year in which you submit your application, please ask your examiners to issue you with letters confirming the results of the assessments you have taken to date and include those in your application. The minimum information to be provided in those letters is a specific grade and the date on which you took the assessment in question.

We will calculate the unweighted average of the grades entered into WueStudy that you achieved after your Physikum exam. That average grade must be 1.9 or better.

We will officially determine your grade as soon as applications have closed; you will not have to provide printouts from WueStudy as evidence of your grades.

Please note that the Excel template for grade calculation provided on this page applies to modularised degree programmes only (and thus does not apply to medicine and dentistry) and can therefore not be used to determine your  average grade.
If you are not sure if you meet the requirements, please contact us.

Important information for law students

The average grade of law students who are in their third subject semester or beyond must be 10.00 points or better.

Click here to dowonload an Excel template for the calculation of your grade (available in German only).

Proof of the result of the intermediate examination is mandatory.
If you are studying the complementary non-degree programme European Law, please provide separate evidence of each grade you achieved in assessments taken in that programme.