Deutsch Intern
Personal and Professional Development at JMU

Postdoctoral stage II (R3)

Postdoctoral stage II (R3 – Established Researcher)

In order to progress to stage R3, researchers must have outstanding achievements in their doctoral research, usually two to four years of experience in a postdoctoral position, an above-average research track record (usually demonstrated through relevant publications), and, in many cases, international experience. Established Researchers can take a range of different paths towards professorship, ranging from traditional <i>Habilitation</i> , leading a junior research group (e. g. Emmy Noether Programme, ERC, JMU junior research groups), and junior professorship (with or without Tenure Track) through to fixed-term appointment to the position of professor in pay grade W2 (with Tenure Track). The framework conditions for the development of stage R3, including the researchers’ degree of autonomy, vary depending on which one of these paths researchers are taking. In addition, conventions vary greatly from discipline to discipline. Established Researchers should perform their duties in the areas of research, teaching, the supervision and examination of students as well as the mentoring of the next generation of researchers largely independently. They should be able to independently generate external funding, should have established a network of research collaborations, and should have gained status and visibility in the research community. At this stage, researchers should also take on additional leadership responsibility as well as tasks in academic self-governance and their disciplinary community.

Focus area of Academic Staff Development in postdoc phase II

Established Researchers have both a higher level of independence and a higher level of responsibility than Recognized Researchers. This is why, when they progress to stage R3, researchers face new challenges in the areas of collaboration and leadership: They have to take over more leadership and managerial responsibility as well as new tasks relating to the preparation of proposals for and the management of externally funded projects. Training and development initiatives for Established Researchers thus focus on domain D professional self-concept and societal responsibility (collaboration, supervision, and mentoring (leadership skills, D1), publication and research communication (D2), teaching and contribution to society (D3)) as well as generating funding, infrastructure, and resources (C3). In career stage R3, researchers prepare for taking the final step towards securing an open-ended professorship and are expected to demonstrate their suitability for tenure. We, therefore, attach particular importance to providing them with training and development initiatives focusing on sub-domain B3 professional and career development as well as initiatives that are aimed at assisting them in the development of generic skills.

From a systemic point of view, Established Researchers (R3) are the potential Leading Researchers (R4) of tomorrow. Stage R3 of a researcher’s career is highly competitive. Potential career paths for Established Researchers differ significantly in their structure (junior research group leader, junior professor with or without tenure track, Habilitation, fixed-term appointment to the position of professor in pay grade W2). The university is responsible for providing Established Researchers with guidance and support regarding career planning and giving them a fair, performance-related chance to secure tenure if their performance meets required standards. This is why JMU promotes equality of access to the training and development opportunities it provides for its researchers.