Deutsch Intern
Global Teacher Education

Workshop zu Kultur, Leben und Bildung in Pakistan


Die PSE lädt herzlich ein zu einer 2-teiligen Workshopreise zu Pakistan. Sagheer Ahmad führt dabei durch zwei Workshops zu seinem Heimatland Pakistan an (Sprache: Englisch). Beide Workshops werden für das GoTEd-Zertifikat anerkannt. Die Anmeldung erfolgt über WueStudy.

An den beiden Montagen, 27.5. und 3.6., jeweils 16-18 Uhr, bietet Sagheer Ahmad (Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der Mathematik) Workshop über sein Heimatland Pakistan an. Im 1. Teil geht es um Pakistans Geschichte und Kultur sowie seine Traditionen und Innovationen. Im 2. Teil liegt der Augenmerk auf dem pakistanischen Bildungssystem. Im Anschluss findet jeweils ein Workshop zur Türkei statt.

Workshopserie Pakistan – History, Culture, & Educational Norms of Pakistan

Teil 1: "Echoes of Pakistan: A Timeless Tale." | 27.5.24 (16-18 Uhr)

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Immerse yourself in the captivating story of Pakistan's history and culture in our workshop, where the past meets the present in a mesmerizing journey. Through interactive presentation and intriguing tales, we'll uncover the rich tapestry of Pakistan's heritage. Join us as we travel through time, discovering the enduring traditions, innovations, and strength that shape Pakistan today. Prepare to be inspired and awed by the timeless narrative of Pakistan's transformation. The following questions will be addressed in the light of available literature in this workshop.

RQ1: How have historical events shaped the cultural identity of Pakistan?

RQ2: What are the key elements of Pakistani cultural heritage, and how are they preserved andcelebrated?

RQ3: What role does religion play in shaping Pakistani culture, and how does it intersect withother cultural aspects?

RQ4: How do different regions within Pakistan contribute to its diverse cultural landscape?

RQ5: What are the challenges faced in preserving and promoting Pakistan's cultural heritage,both domestically and internationally?


Teil 2: "Pakistan's Education System: Insights into Structure and Struggles." | 3.6.24, 16-18 Uhr

Zur Anmeldung

Explore the intricacies of Pakistan's education system with us in this workshop, where we'll shed light on its structure and confront its challenges. Discover the inner workings of the education system, from its organization to its implementation, while also exploring the hurdles it faces. Through engaging discussions and practical insights, gain a deeper understanding of Pakistani education and contribute to shaping its future for the better. The following questions will be addressed in the light of existing literature and critical analysis in this workshop.

RQ1: What are the key challenges faced by different levels of the education system in Pakistan, and how do they impact access to quality education (SDG 4)?

RQ2: What are the cultural, social, and economic factors that influence the effectiveness of the Pakistani education system?

RQ3: What are the roles of stakeholders such as government agencies, educators, parents, and communities in addressing the struggles of the education system in Pakistan?

RQ4: How does the disparity in educational resources and opportunities between urban and rural areas affect educational outcomes in Pakistan?

Anrechnung für das GoTEd-Zertifikat

Beide Pakistan-Workshops werden von der Professional School of Education im Rahmen des DAAD-Projekts „Global Teacher Education (GoTEd)“ angeboten. Lehramtsstudierende können sich jeden einzelnen Workshop für das GoTEd-Zertifikat anrechnen lassen. Der Besuch der gesamten Workshop-Serie ist dafür nicht erforderlich. Melden Sie sich aber bitte für jeden Workshop einzeln an. Die Anmeldung erfolgt über WueStudy.

27.5.24, 16-18 Uhr: Workshop Pakistan – History, Culture, & Educational Norms of Pakistan 1/2: "Echoes of Pakistan: A Timeless Tale."

Zur Anmeldung

3.6.24, 16-18 Uhr: Workshop Pakistan – History, Culture, & Educational Norms of Pakistan 2/2: "Pakistan's Education System: Insights into Structure and Struggles."

Zur Anmeldung