Deutsch Intern
Global Teacher Education

Ingredients for an ideal school


‘Global views on the ideal school’: That was the title of the 4th GoTEd Week of the Professional School of Education (PSE), which was held from 13 to 17 May 2024 with numerous international speakers and guests.

The GoTEd-Week is an annual summer school as part of the ‘Global Teacher Education’ (GoTEd) project, which is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The Professional School of Education (PSE) at the University of Würzburg cooperates within this project with universities from France, Italy, Namibia, Poland, Spain, the Czech Republic and Sri Lanka. The Summer School serves to promote professional and personal networking between lecturers, students and teachers on an international level.

Before the participating researchers exchanged views on an ideal school, the perspectives of schoolchildren from the different countries were captured and presented to the conference participants as audio recordings. The children and young people rated the prevention of bullying as particularly important in an ideal school.

In his introductory lecture, Dr José Luis Estrada Chichón from the University of Cádiz in Spain emphasised the importance of a holistic education and a mix of compulsory and optional subjects as well as a welcoming atmosphere with respectful and inclusive interaction. However, the lecturer from the Department of Language and Literature Didactics at the University of Cádiz stated that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for implementation, as each school must find its own way. Overall, it was determined that the promotion of a culture of thinking, the motivation to attend school, the reduction of bureaucracy and a binding curriculum are central elements of a desirable school.

Chatting at the ‘International Market’

At the International Market, participants were able to chat over traditional and international food. In doing so, they learnt more about other cultures, universities and education systems. Delicacies and interesting facts were on offer from Bari (Italy), Caen (France), Hradec Krávolé (Czech Republic), Lodz (Poland), Sri Lanka and Umeå (Sweden). In addition, representatives from the International Office and Adult Education at the University of Würzburg provided information; students reported on their study and internship experiences abroad.

In another discussion format, Dr Faustina Neshila (Namibia), Dr Petra Besedová (Czech Republic), Professor Hans Stefan Siller and Professor Maria Eisenmann (Germany) came to the conclusion that a universal concept of an ideal school should include a flexible framework with consolidated guidelines. In addition to flexibility in teacher training to adapt to changing educational needs, this also requires a focus on key global issues. For instance, education for sustainable development (ESD) was particularly emphasised as currently crucial for a positive global impact.

‘World Café’ focusing on four areas

To ensure the sustainable development of existing and future collaborations, the ‘World Café’ explored four areas: (1) education for sustainable development, (2) research networking, (3) international exchange, (4) methods in teacher training. As a result, synergies and new ideas emerged, including ways to expand existing collaborations and collaborative approaches.

The participants were left with various impressions of the joint visit to the boarding village with all-day schooling in Haubinda (Thuringia). Concluding this year’s GoTEd-Week, Nicole Frohberg, English teacher at Matthias-Grünewald High School in Würzburg, gave a talk along with her trainee teachers on the individual stages of teacher training and the advantages and disadvantages of the (Bavarian) teacher traineeship as well as the current challenge of the shortage of teachers.

Evaluation by the participants

Overall, the participants of the 4th GoTEd-Week agree: ‘to create a vibrant learning environment where curiosity traits, creativity blossoms and every child feels valued and empowered. Our dream school is not just a place of academics but a community where diversity is celebrated, kindness is practiced, and every voice is heard. Together, let’s embark on this journey of discovering growth and excellence.’ Viragi, teacher from Sri Lanka.