Love Data Week 2024: Coffee Lectures at JMU
01/26/2024Love Data Week is an international awareness week (February 12 - 16) on the topics of research data and research data management, in which JMU is participating.
From February 12th to 16th, the international community will come together under the theme "My Kind of Data" to celebrate the love for research data and data management. As part of this exciting week, we are pleased to announce that six Online Coffee Lectures on the topic of research data management will be hosted by the research data management team of the JMU.
Participation in the Coffee Lectures is free of charge. Registration is not necessary - simply attend via Zoom!
Link to the Coffe Lectures (Meeting-ID 671 7559 5064 – Passwort: 161918)
Wednesday, 14.02.2024
12:00 | Data, Open Data und die FAIR-Prinzipien [Data, Open data and the FAIR principles] (Kristina Hanig) |
12:30 | Elektronische Laborbücher: Zentrale Angebote an der JMU [Electronic laboratory notebooks: Central services at JMU] (Christoph Brüning and Anne Gresser) |
13:00 | Metadaten: Warum und wie beschreibe ich meine Forschungsdaten? [Meta data: Why and how do I describe my research data?] (Christian Malzer) |
Thursday, 15.02.2024
12:00 | Projektantragstellung: Was erwartet die DFG im Umgang mit Forschungsdaten? [Project application: What does the DFG expect from researchers when dealing with research data?] (Anne Gresser) |
12:30 | WueData: Das institutionelle Forschungsdatenrepositorium der JMU [WueData: The institutional research data repository of JMU] (Viktoria Scheller) |
13:00 | JMU Data Journals: Optionen zur Nutzung des neuen Services [JMU Data Journals: Options for using the new service] (Claudia Schober) |
There will be an opportunity for questions after each short presentation.
Note that all presentations will be held in German.
More information about the Coffee Lectures: University Library of JMU