Deutsch Intern
  • none

Scholarships for foreign students

If you are considering applying for a scholarship then it is best to gather information about scholarship opportunities for studying abroad available in your home country. For example, scholarships offered by home governments or home educational institutions.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides opportunities for foreign candidates to undertake full time study or doctoral study in German tertiary and technical institutions. More information about the scholarships offered can be found in the brochure "Förderungsmöglichkeiten für ausländische Hochschulangehörige" ( You can obtain this information pamphlet at your nearest German embassy or consulate. The scholarship support is only offered for a certain duration and not for the entire tenure of your studies.

The DAAD also has offices in countries abroad. You can get in touch with the DAAD directly at their foreign office. The various DAAD addresses are obtainable from your nearest German consulate.

If you find yourself unable to undertake an entire full-time study because of financial reasons or other reasons, you may consider residing for one year, which under certain circumstances can also be supported by the DAAD (see "Stipendienmöglichkeiten").
If you are currently studying at a university in your home country then it is recommended that you make enquiries about whether your university offers scholarships or student exchange programs with the University of Würzburg.

Please bear in mind that the chances of receiving a scholarship in Germany for a Bachelor Degree are virtually impossible and for the Master Degree the chances are very minimal.

The KfW Student Loan is a low-interest loan (until 31 March 2021 0.00% if your loan is in the disburse­ment phase), which is used to cover your living expenses. The interest rate is fixed until 31 March 2021, after which it is adjusted every six months on 01 April and 01 October of each year.

You can receive monthly disburse­ments of up to EUR 650 (disburse­ment phase). Once the disburse­ments stop, the loan enters a grace period in which you only pay interest (interest-only phase).


The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is providing bridging assistance totalling 100 million euros to help those students who are demonstrably in an acute, pandemic-related (economic or financial) emergency and require immediate support

BAYHOST oversees the scholarship and grant program of the Free State of Bavaria and its partner countries in Central and Eastern Europe and provides mobility grants for the exchange of students and young researchers as well as for the initiation of cooperation in the field of research and education.  


Information about the funding programs of BAYHOST

International students studying in a higher semester of a Master course (at least 2nd semester) or State exam, finishing their studys in the upcoming winter term or summer term can apply for a study completition grant funded by the Bavarian State aor the DAAD in order to prepare for their final exam if they meet certain requirements.

For example: to be eligible to apply you have to show good results and proof of financial indigence.

Students who are eligible to apply for BAföG (notwithstanding that they receive any) cannot apply for a study completition grant within this funding programme.

Application forms can be handed in at the International Office until 31. Juli .
There is no legal claim to receive a scholarship when applying.

Application form an requirements

Form for the reference letter





Ursula Shahmary
International Office
Campus Hubland Nord
Josef-Martin-Weg 54/1
97074 Würzburg

Tel. +49  931 31-82663

Das Ziel des Avicenna-Studienwerkes ist die umfassende Förderung begabter muslimischer Studierender und Promovierender durch Stipendien.

Gefördert werden auch Studienaufenthalte, Praktika und Sprachkurse im Ausland.

Scholarships for students attending certain German schools abroad who intend to start studying in Bavaria.

Information is only available in German language.

Scholarhips from the Chinese government to graduate students from China.