Deutsch Intern
Occupational Health and Safety, Animal Welfare and Environmental Protection


  • Perform the responsibilities of a health and safety officer in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 Arbeitssicherheitsgesetz (Act on Occupational Physicians, Safety Engineers and other OSH Professionals, ASiG)
  • Implement the ASiG and related regulations, guidelines and standards
  • Implement the rules laid down by the statutory occupational accident insurance providers
  • Help plan construction projects and facilities, assist with procurement of equipment
  • Act as consultants for the renovation, equipment and operation of facilities
  • Ensure that facilities operate in compliance with applicable requirements and that remedial action is taken where necessary
  • Manage and monitor the health and safety of workers in the use of work equipment
  • Manage risk assessments, assist with the assessment of risks
  • Manage the reporting of accidents as well as rules and regulations
  • Conduct accident investigations; compile the University’s annual accident statistics and reports
  • Appoint and provide advice to appointed persons and laser safety officers
  • Organise first aider training
  • Implement chemicals legislation and related regulations and guidelines
  • Implement the Grundstoffüberwachungsgesetz (Drug Precursor Monitoring Act, GÜG) and the Störfallverordnung (Hazardous Incident Ordinance, StöV)
  • Measure the concentration of hazardous substances in the workplace

  • Biosafety, ensure compliance with legislation governing gene technology and the operation of gene technology facilities (Gentechnikgesetz (Gene Technology Act, GenTG) and related regulations)
  • Safe handling of biological agents; GLP (good laboratory practice)
  • Implement the Biostoffverordnung (Biological Agents Ordinance, BioStoffV) and the Infektionsschutzgesetz (Infection Protection Act, IfSG); consulting for the application process for licences under the IfSG

Implement the GenTG: consulting for the application process for permits, provide advice to applicants, appoint gene technology project leaders and biological safety officers according to GenTSV §28 et seq., oversee the operations of the University’s gene technology facilities, participate in official on-site inspections.

  • Provide advice on fire prevention
  • Organise fire safety arrangements, organise fire evacuation drills

  • Ensure compliance with chemicals and hazardous materials legislation
  • Manage the University’s DaMaRIS database

  • Provide information and advice about issues relating to sustainability, handle complaints about such issues, signpost staff members to the competent persons at the University of Würzburg or other institutions (e.g. the Studierendenwerk)
  • Create and maintain a web page about sustainability at the University of Würzburg, gather information (e.g. about relevant legislation or the activities of the ‘Netzwerk Nachhaltigkeit an Hochschulen in Bayern’ network) and make it available to staff members
  • Help prepare updates to the University’s annual sustainability report
  • Act as one of the representatives of the University of Würzburg in the ‘Netzwerk Nachhaltigkeit an Hochschulen in Bayern’ network
  • Office of the University’s Sustainability Committee

  • Perform the duties and responsibilities of a radiation protection manager
  • Ensure compliance with radiation protection legislation and regulations for the operation of facilities governed by the Strahlenschutzgesetz (Radiation Protection Act, StrlSchG) and the Strahlenschutzverordnung (Radiation Protection Ordinance, StrlSchV)
  • Safe handling of radioactive materials, safe use of ionising radiation
  • Implement the StrlSchG, the StrlSchV and related guidelines and standards, oversee the operations of facilities at the University that handle radioactive materials or generate and use ionising radiation
  • Act as consultants for the construction, equipment and operation of facilities requiring a licence to operate
  • Implement the StrlSchG, the StrlSchV and related guidelines and standards, consulting for the application process for licences as well as the notification process, provide advice to staff members who are preparing applications for licences, consulting for the University’s X-ray facilities
  • Appoint radiation protection officers in accordance with the provisions of the StrlSchG and the StrlSchV
  • Operate the University’s central radioactive waste collection facility

  • Laboratory animal welfare
  • Ensure compliance with the provisions of the Tierschutzgesetz (Animal Welfare Act, TierSchG)
  • Implement the TierSchG: provide advice to staff members who are preparing applications for licences to conduct animal testing, write statements to accompany such applications, oversee the care and use of laboratory animals, manage the reporting of animal use data
  • Oversee and evaluate the central laboratory animal health monitoring programme
  • Act as consultants for the construction and renovation of animal care facilities and animal laboratories
  • Implement nature conservation law (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz (Federal Nature Conservation Act, BNatSchG); derogations from species protection and conservation provisions) and species conservation law (CITES)
  • Implement the Betäubungsmittelgesetz (Narcotics Act, BtMG)

  • Implement laws and regulations governing the transportation of dangerous goods by road and air
  • Provide advice and regular training to appointed persons for dangerous goods (transportation of dangerous goods by road)
  • Organise in-house training courses on the transportation of dangerous goods by air for shippers (category 1)
  • Provide advice to staff members who are planning to ship samples or small quantities of dangerous goods by road or air or ship dangerous goods via express delivery
  • Act as consultants for the classification and packaging of hazardous waste
  • Provide advice to dangerous goods drivers

  • Issues pertaining to environmental health and safety, including waste disposal
  • Act as consultants for the construction, equipment and operation of waste disposal facilities
  • Implement the Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz (Closed Cycle and Waste Management Act, KrWG)
  • Provide advice and training to appointed persons, organise training courses for appointed persons
  • Streamline waste disposal processes, compile the University’s annual waste generation and management statistics
  • Oversee the operations of the hazardous/special waste collection facility at the University’s ZER waste disposal and recycling centre, manage the disposal of hazardous/special waste via the GSB Sonderabfall-Entsorgung Bayern GmbH
  • Oversee the operations of the solvent recycling facilities at the ZER, perform analyses and develop methods
  • Monitor the decentralised storage of waste and, in particular, the storage of hazardous/special waste
  • Contribute to the implementation of the standards of environmental law (e.g. Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz (Federal Immission Control Act, BImSchG), Wasserhaushaltsgesetz (Water Management Act, WHG))