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University of Würzburg

Module course of study

Module studies are suitable for applicants who are temporarily unable to study full-time alongside a job or family phase, or for prospective students who want to get to know a specific subject in particular. However, scientific or professional partial qualifications can also be acquired as part of professional and personal training. In the module studies produced achievements can be recognized for later studies.

Admission and Enrolment

Module Studies students can begin in either winter semester or summer semester. Enrolment is for one field of study only with its corresponding modules and is completed through the  Enrolment Portal. The official enrolment deadlines for open-admission subjects also apply to Module Studies. Further information can be found under Application, Admission, and Enrolment, as well as Application, Admission, and Enrolment for foreign Students.

Legal requirements

By virtue of Art. 56 para. 6 Nr. 1, the Bavarian Higher Education Act allows so-called module studies to be established as auxillary studies. Module studies allow for the acquisition of scientific or professional partial qualifications; individual modules of an undergraduate or postgraduate study course can be completed.

Enrolment in module studies is only permitted if the individual modules are not part of an admission-restricted undergraduate or postgraduate degree program (Art. 42 Abs. 2 Satz 5 BayHSchG).

The general module studies at JMU are regulated by  Studien- und Prüfungsordnung (study and examination regulations). In the appendix of the examination regulations, all modules that can be taken are listed, each specified according to Bachelor's or Master's level.

Application, registration and study course

In general, module studies are suitable for undecided first-year students as an orientation for future, full-time study, for applicants who are temporarily unable to study full-time due to a job or family, but also for specific vocational or scientific training. Credits earned during the module study can be recognised for later studies.

A particular advantage of establishing module studies at JMU is the ability to create offers for international students, which can be integrated into strategic partnerships as well as open up new perspectives on teaching. In accordance with our internationalization strategy, which aims at strengthening research and teaching through internationalization, module packages can be offered in such a way that particularly qualified and motivated students are attracted to JMU. In addition, module studies can contribute to strengthening a further goal of "gaining new perspectives" through interdisciplinary module offers. For example, module studies can help make occupational profiles that are currently focused on regional and national employment more international and attractive.

Students who have already officially registered in one or more degree programs at JMU are not permitted to take part in general module studies.The same prerequisites apply for access to module studies as for access to the respective degree program to which the module(s) are assigned.

When choosing modules from postgraduate (master’s) degree programs, in addition to holding a university degree according to Art. 43 para. 6 sentence 1 BayHSchG, all entrance and eligibility criteria for the corresponding degree course must be fulfilled, proven and confirmed before enrolment. This is done by submitting a confirmation from the Chair of the Aptitude Committee, which states that the prerequisites for enrolment for the module studies in the respective degree program have been fulfilled.

Foreign applicants are not required to submit evidence of German language proficiency in accordance with  § 8 Abs. 3 der Rahmenordnung über Deutsche Sprachprüfungen for studying at German Universities (RO-DT) in conjunction with the Study and Examination Regulations for general module studies at JMU.


The study and examination regulations for general module studies currently contain no additional requirements for application and application deadlines. The faculties determine these themselves depending on the requirements for enrolment.

For participation in the module studies, foreign applicants are recommended to submit an application directly to the respective faculty. This applies to both foreign and German applicants for postgraduate module studies (master’s level), in order to verify the admission and eligibility requirements. Applicants who require a visa will receive confirmation of acceptance to the module studies three months before the start of the enrolment period, at the latest, in order to be able to fulfil the immigration formalities.

The student must name the field of study to which the respective module is assigned, so that the qualification and entry requirements for that field(s) of study can be verified.

Verification of entrance requirements and acceptance to the module studies

The respective academic departments examine the entrance requirements to the module studies, in particular the necessary university degree and the submission of the admission and eligibility requirements for postgraduate module studies. If there are any doubts regarding questions concerning German university entrance qualifications, the Student Affair office (Referat 2.2) is at your disposal.

Applicants who meet the requirements for the requested module studies will receive an electronic confirmation of acceptance from the faculty or the academic department with a list of the eligible modules. The Service Centre International Affairs and the Student Affairs office must promptly be sent a list with the accepted applicants from the faculty or academic department.


Enrolment is only for one subject with its corresponding modules.

Chosen applicants must personally apply for enrolment via Immatrikulationsportal (enrolment portal) and submit the necessary documents in writing. After the Student Affairs office (Referat 2.2) has examined the documents in the order of arrival of all enrolment applications, if all enrolment requirements have been fulfilled, enrolment will be completed and the JMU Card will be generated.
The same official enrolment periods apply for module studies as for the open-admissions subjects. See:

Information and links for the application, entrance requirements and enrolment process for foreign students can be found on this website of the International Office.

Registration for modules, learning agreements

Students can register for the courses of all modules assigned to the field of study they are enroled in, according to the general module studies addendum in the study and examination regulations.

Modules amounting to a maximum of 30 ECTS credits can be completed in one semester. Minor variances, resulting in particular from the combination of the respective module formats (ECTS point sizes), are permitted. If Learning Agreements are defined, they can only comprise modules included in the module studies.

Retaking module examinations

In the general module studies, a failed module examination can only be retaken once. A second retake is not possible.

Management software system for studies and exams, documents of completion

Studies and exams are managed in the software program WueStudy. Certificates for examinations and modules can be printed out by the students themselves. Further information can be found under Hilfe, Erklärvideos und FAQs. About

Student management (video tutorials)
Print out official documents.

Degree programme managment (video tutorials)
Find module descriptions, your study planner and what you can use it for.

Assessment management (video tutorials)
Download transcripts of studies or documents confirming for which assessments you have registered. Additional certificates such as Transcript of Records or Diploma Supplement are not available for module studies..

Grade system and notes on the assignment of grades

Explanations in German / English

The duration of study for module studies is one semester. Thus, module students are automatically withdrawn from enrolment at the end of the semester. For a summer semester, the withdrawal date is September 30th, for winter semester the withdrawal date is March 31st of the respective year.

At the student’s request, withdrawal may also take place before the end of the semester, the earliest being as soon as the withdrawal application is submitted. Withdrawal by request is always effective on the exact date the application for withdrawal is received by the University of Würzburg. January 15th in the winter semester and June 15th in the summer semester are the earliest dates that an application for withdrawal can be submitted upon written request and also take effect at the end of the semester. The most current enrolment statute applies.

Other references