Deutsch Intern
  • Vier Studierende auf dem Weg in den Hörsaal.
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European Engineering Masters Days@Montpellier

Date: 10/09/2023, 8:00 AM - 10/17/2023, 4:00 PM
Category: charm-eu
Organizer: CHARM-EU

In October, the European Engineering Masters Days will take place in Montpellier. The purpose of this event is to foster cooperation among European engineering schools. The meeting is organized as part of the activities of the European alliance CHARM-EU.

The event will be held in a blended format, with a half-day session online on October 9th, 2023, followed by one and a half days in Montpellier on October 16th and 17th, 2023.

This is a valuable opportunity for direct interaction with partners, allowing you to explore possibilities for pedagogical and research collaboration. Various aspects, including mobility, professional development, joint degrees/modules, internships, and laboratory collaboration will be discussed.

The aim is to facilitate the establishment of strong relationships among participants and uncover new perspectives for career advancement. The meeting's deliverables will include a list of concrete actions for cooperation between partners, which the alliance will actively support.


If you or your colleagues wish to participate in this event, kindly fill out this form: CHARM-EU European Engineering Schools and Engineering Masters Days (

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
