Deutsch Intern
Career Centre

Information about Global Circles

What is a Global Circle?

Global Circles are a good way to get started with the new possibilities of the virtual programme. They give participants the opportunity to engage in an interactive and open dialogue.

Over a period of two weeks, participants have the opportunity to discuss interesting topics with people from different cultures.

The programme will require a time commitment of 2.5 hours per week for working on assignments and intercultural dialogues on the respective topic and another 2.5 hours per week for participation in live discussions with all participants.

At the end of the programme, you will be awarded three ECTS credits.

More information about the topics and how to sign up:

Feedback from participants

‘There are so many great people out there who are happy to interact with students from other countries and share their experiences and culture with others. I am very happy to have had this experience and will definitely participate in the programme again in the future.’

'My highlight was the realisation that you can come to a common conclusion even if you are from different cultures and each have different perspectives."

‘I enjoyed how openly and constructively we discussed each other’s opinions in our group. There was a vivid exchange that encouraged me to share my own opinion.’

Click here to read what other participants are saying.


A first glance Global Circles!


Past circles

  • Reimagining global health
  • Inflation and consumption - what economy do we want for tomorrow
  • Climate change and rising temperatures - do we prevent or do we adapt?
  • Metaverse & virtual life - what are the implications on society, education, and the future of work?
  • Taking new action to tackle global hunger
  • Social change through citizen initiatives
  • Social Media: A blessing or a curse?
  • Social justice vs. Climate action
  • What does the war in Ukraine mean for the world?
  • Artificial Intelligence, Global Skills, and the Future of Work
  • Freedom of speech – and its limits.
  • Do We Trust Science?
  • World without Borders
  • Impact of Covid-19
  • Vaccination: Safety, Access, and Ethics
  • Freedom of Spreech and Its Limits