JMU Research Academy

Promote your merits - how to be visible for the scientific community

Datum: 10.10.2019, 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Research Academy, R1, R2, Karriere
Ort: Hubland Nord, Geb. 21, 1.002
Veranstalter: JMU Research Academy, Wissenschaftliche Personalentwicklung
Vortragende:r: Dr. Eva Reichmann

When planning their career young scientists face a highly competitive environment: Anyone who succeeds in self-promotion, e.g. to demonstrate competencies and a professional attitude in a convincingly manner, has definitely higher chances on the academic job market.

Despite what many of us believe, know-how, discipline and hard work do not automatically lead to academic success. We like to think that our work speaks for itself, but the courses of many careers do not seem to reflect that notion. Visibility of your merits and self- presentation often play an equally important role.

In the workshop we will analyze your opportunities for creating professional attention - in respect of your individual career plans and the criteria for success of the scientific community in question. To develop a personal strategy for self-promotion we will analyze your professional academic profile by using a competence portfolio.

After the workshop, you will be able to

  • make your merits and your professional academic competences visible to others
  • make a targeted decision to further plan your career
  • present and promote yourself convincingly



