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R&I Days@Barcelona - Multidisciplinary Research on Water

Date: 10/30/2023, 8:00 AM - 10/31/2023, 4:00 PM
Category: charm-eu
Organizer: CHARM-EU

A co-creation workshop on "Water Global Challenges" will be held in Barcelona on October 30 and 31. The 2023 CHARM-EU R&I Days brings together a group of diverse-background researchers from the Alliance partner universities, as well as external stakeholders, in order to prompt the creation of new multidisciplinary scientific networks. Researchers (CHARM-EU universities), external stakeholders (practitioners, policy-makers, civil society, business representatives), educationalists (to run collaborative sessions), research support staff are welcome to attend.

[Translate to Englisch:]
[Translate to Englisch:]

During three intensive co-creation workshop sessions, researchers will be presented with different European funding opportunities for water-related research proposals, and will engage in a collaborative group dynamic that allows to start working together in developing research proposals that address the Water Global Challenges.


If you or your colleagues wish to participate in this event, kindly register here.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
